Monday, July 5, 2010

Health:Obes kah aku?B back to gym routine..aceh ceh..baru turun sekali dah kata rutin...tengok la esok lusa tulat tupit g gym ke tak..maybe not almost everyday la..but i'll try my best to go to the gym at least 3 times a week..

tadi timbang..aiyak..mmg dah obes la...61KG gilos apa...untuk kementotan aku ni..aku nyer ideal weight shud be between 50-55kg... tu apa cer dah terlebey 6kilos...aceli aku rasa comfortable bila berat aku 54kg...klu dapat 50-52 pun ok..but 54kg is OKAY nk turun 1kg pun dah seksa

mari kita kaji camno aku leh naik gilos2...nak kata aku kuat makan..sama jer la ngn lain..derang makan aku pun makan...mksudnyer metabolisme aku mmg dh rendah nak tak nak have to burn the calories dengan eksesais..i luv exercise..masalah nyer satu je..once dah tinggal sekali..nk start balik tu yang skrang kene gagah kan diri..erm..oh Allah give me strength..

ermm..i dun want to end up jadi gemok gilos camtu, .tp all the delicious food is hard to resist

The keyword is:TABAH

tabah kan hati melihat air teh tarik, kopi peng, nescafe yang sedap2 iteww..i dun want to mean to myself..i will not totally cut it off but reduce it hehehe...maybe twice a week....wat about food..probably try to take light dinner..nampaknyer kene rajin beli buah2an lah lepas ni...

wish me luck

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